Miss. Code Ann. 83-21-21(3), as amended effective July 1, 1997, provided that the Commissioner of Insurance may rely upon the advice and assistance of a duly constituted association of surplus lines producers in carrying out the purposes of the laws on foreign insurance companies contained in Title 83, Chapter 21 of the Miss. Code Ann. (1972). MSLA was established to serve this role and has been recognized by the Commissioner of Insurance as the association upon which he will rely for advice and assistance pursuant to the above statutes.

Pursuant to statutory authority, MSLA shall provide a means for examination of surplus lines coverage to determine whether such coverage complies with applicable law and rules or regulations. MSLA shall also adopt procedures and practices to assist members in complying with relevant statutes and rules or regulations issued by the Commissioner of Insurance. MSLA may also conduct other operations that relieve the Commissioner of Insurance of duties otherwise required of him under the laws on foreign insurance companies.

Mississippi Surplus Lines statutes can be found here.

Under Title 83, Chapter 21 of the Mississippi Code of 1972